I was finishing up a phone reading and feeling really bad about it. Taking great pride in the accuracy of my readings, I fact check my perceptions throughout to ensure I am reading correctly. This is also how clients see my psychic ability and how well I read people and situations.
In this reading, not only was it that none of my perceptions were correct, they were the complete opposite. I am a perfectionist and know how my gift works, and nothing was making sense. Everything was backwards.
One morning, a young man named Josh had called from New York City wanting to schedule an hour long Psychic reading. He had questions about two different potential business partners and also some questions regarding his personal life. He asked me if I could see time-lines to which I replied yes. “Great,” he said and we set an appointment for later on that afternoon.
"How much is it and what is your PayPal email?" He asked. I told him the cost, to which he replied ‘no big deal’, and told him he could pay on my website. He asked if the same email was linked to my PayPal and said he would send it directly through email. I said “ok great, thank you!” and we hung up.
He called at our appointed time and asked if I had received the payment. I had briefly checked my email beforehand to ensure that he had paid, and said "Yes, I did, thank you! What can I help you with today?"
He launched into a story about a new business endeavor and how it was going to make him rich by the time he is 30. He and had two investors and wasn't sure which one would be the best fit for guaranteed success. I asked each of their names.
“Tom and Christian.” he said.
"Ok. Let me see...Tom is older than you with longer salt and pepper hair and a gravelly voice and doesn't say much...and Christian is a good looking guy, same age as you, likes to dress nice, and this venture is a big risk for him and yet there's something kind of sneaky about him, correct?
"Well, actually, it's the other way around..." He said "Tom's younger and cares a lot about his looks but is unsure about this and talks SO much it’s annoying. It makes me think he's hiding something. Christian is older with the hair you described and sometimes his gravelly voice is annoying and he's so quiet he makes me feel like he's hiding something. It’s like they’re both hiding something…” he said.
"Really? I'm perceiving that completely opposite. That's weird.” I said to him and paused. I call myself the honest psychic, because I never embellish or make anything up. I am also the first to admit when I'm perceiving something wrong, but this had never happened to me and I was totally perplexed. “Hmmm,” I said and thought for a second and looked for the discrepancy. I began to question why I wasn't able to read him. I started looking at what I had to eat, and what had happened in the morning that would've thrown me off. But no, I was feeling good and nothing abnormal or out of the ordinary had occurred.
"Well, let me ask you this..." He said and launched into another story about how successful he has been in the past and he wanted to know when decisions were going to be made and papers were going to be signed.
Again the same scenario came up where everything I saw was the opposite. Events had already occurred that I perceived as foresight, and I kept reading him personally wrong as well.
He asked about his love life. I saw that there was a lady he had been cruel to in the past, but he was single now. ‘You’ll meet someone after your business gets going,” I told him, because I didn't see him with anyone for a while.
He paused. “Uh, my girlfriend lives with me…”
I was beyond confused. I starting to think he was messing with me. I navigated the rest of the reading a little weary as I couldn’t understand why nothing was making sense and my psychic gifts had gone awry. I had never encountered someone I couldn't read.
Just as we were rounding the hour mark, the line disconnected. I waited a moment to receive a call, and when I didn’t I tried to call him back. “This number is no longer in service…” came through the line. “What the f**k is going on…” I thought to myself. At this point I couldn’t think straight let alone try to figure out why that was the worst reading I had ever done. Not only that, all of a sudden he disappeared. In that moment I let it go, I couldn't expend anymore energy on this confusing situation.
A few hours later, I went to my Paypal account to transfer the funds. There was not a payment from him, so I called PayPal customer service.
Long story short, Josh had sent me a bogus e-mail invoice. He had copied the invoice and made a fake one saying that I had received payment. This was a common scheme I was told, where people appear to have paid but it is not a legitimate e-mail from PayPal.
”Wait a minute, what? You’re telling me that this guy sent me a bogus email saying he paid me, and in reality, he never paid me at all...is that what you’re telling me?”
“Yes.” he replied.
“Ah ha haaaaaaaaaa!”, I said and jumped up out of my chair and starting jumping up and down. “The Universe has my back! THE UNIVERSE HAS MY BACK!!!”
I was so overjoyed I couldn’t describe it. The reason he had such a bad reading with all false information is because he never actually paid me. He thought he could use me for my services and not pay me what was due. He thought he pulled a fast one. He thought wrong.
The Universe didn’t let him receive my precious insight. For he did not pay. That is karma at it’s finest. Thanks, Universe!!!
Note: The names in this story have NOT been changed. You’re a dumb-ass, Josh!!!
In this reading, not only was it that none of my perceptions were correct, they were the complete opposite. I am a perfectionist and know how my gift works, and nothing was making sense. Everything was backwards.
One morning, a young man named Josh had called from New York City wanting to schedule an hour long Psychic reading. He had questions about two different potential business partners and also some questions regarding his personal life. He asked me if I could see time-lines to which I replied yes. “Great,” he said and we set an appointment for later on that afternoon.
"How much is it and what is your PayPal email?" He asked. I told him the cost, to which he replied ‘no big deal’, and told him he could pay on my website. He asked if the same email was linked to my PayPal and said he would send it directly through email. I said “ok great, thank you!” and we hung up.
He called at our appointed time and asked if I had received the payment. I had briefly checked my email beforehand to ensure that he had paid, and said "Yes, I did, thank you! What can I help you with today?"
He launched into a story about a new business endeavor and how it was going to make him rich by the time he is 30. He and had two investors and wasn't sure which one would be the best fit for guaranteed success. I asked each of their names.
“Tom and Christian.” he said.
"Ok. Let me see...Tom is older than you with longer salt and pepper hair and a gravelly voice and doesn't say much...and Christian is a good looking guy, same age as you, likes to dress nice, and this venture is a big risk for him and yet there's something kind of sneaky about him, correct?
"Well, actually, it's the other way around..." He said "Tom's younger and cares a lot about his looks but is unsure about this and talks SO much it’s annoying. It makes me think he's hiding something. Christian is older with the hair you described and sometimes his gravelly voice is annoying and he's so quiet he makes me feel like he's hiding something. It’s like they’re both hiding something…” he said.
"Really? I'm perceiving that completely opposite. That's weird.” I said to him and paused. I call myself the honest psychic, because I never embellish or make anything up. I am also the first to admit when I'm perceiving something wrong, but this had never happened to me and I was totally perplexed. “Hmmm,” I said and thought for a second and looked for the discrepancy. I began to question why I wasn't able to read him. I started looking at what I had to eat, and what had happened in the morning that would've thrown me off. But no, I was feeling good and nothing abnormal or out of the ordinary had occurred.
"Well, let me ask you this..." He said and launched into another story about how successful he has been in the past and he wanted to know when decisions were going to be made and papers were going to be signed.
Again the same scenario came up where everything I saw was the opposite. Events had already occurred that I perceived as foresight, and I kept reading him personally wrong as well.
He asked about his love life. I saw that there was a lady he had been cruel to in the past, but he was single now. ‘You’ll meet someone after your business gets going,” I told him, because I didn't see him with anyone for a while.
He paused. “Uh, my girlfriend lives with me…”
I was beyond confused. I starting to think he was messing with me. I navigated the rest of the reading a little weary as I couldn’t understand why nothing was making sense and my psychic gifts had gone awry. I had never encountered someone I couldn't read.
Just as we were rounding the hour mark, the line disconnected. I waited a moment to receive a call, and when I didn’t I tried to call him back. “This number is no longer in service…” came through the line. “What the f**k is going on…” I thought to myself. At this point I couldn’t think straight let alone try to figure out why that was the worst reading I had ever done. Not only that, all of a sudden he disappeared. In that moment I let it go, I couldn't expend anymore energy on this confusing situation.
A few hours later, I went to my Paypal account to transfer the funds. There was not a payment from him, so I called PayPal customer service.
Long story short, Josh had sent me a bogus e-mail invoice. He had copied the invoice and made a fake one saying that I had received payment. This was a common scheme I was told, where people appear to have paid but it is not a legitimate e-mail from PayPal.
”Wait a minute, what? You’re telling me that this guy sent me a bogus email saying he paid me, and in reality, he never paid me at all...is that what you’re telling me?”
“Yes.” he replied.
“Ah ha haaaaaaaaaa!”, I said and jumped up out of my chair and starting jumping up and down. “The Universe has my back! THE UNIVERSE HAS MY BACK!!!”
I was so overjoyed I couldn’t describe it. The reason he had such a bad reading with all false information is because he never actually paid me. He thought he could use me for my services and not pay me what was due. He thought he pulled a fast one. He thought wrong.
The Universe didn’t let him receive my precious insight. For he did not pay. That is karma at it’s finest. Thanks, Universe!!!
Note: The names in this story have NOT been changed. You’re a dumb-ass, Josh!!!