What is a Medium?
A Medium is a conduit for spirit communication. Discarnate spirits vibrate at a higher frequency than we do in our low, physical vibration. A medium has the ability to raise their vibration and tune into the spirit that is lowering their vibration in order to communicate.
How does spirit communicate?
Spirit communicates through symbols and impressions. It is my job to give you the symbols of 'what they are giving me' and you know the importance of it, not me. The confirmation of these symbols is what further opens the communication to messages being passed on.
Who benefits from spirit communication?
Everyone. The spirits, the grieving, or those desiring insight. Imagine being in a foreign country and seeing someone who spoke your language and could pass on a message to a loved one. That's how excited spirits are for communication for they want you to know that they are okay and they are with you.
Are you like the Long Island Medium?
I do not own a TV, so when I was asked that, I did not know who she was. I watched a couple of youtube clips and yes, that is exactly what I do.
A Medium is a conduit for spirit communication. Discarnate spirits vibrate at a higher frequency than we do in our low, physical vibration. A medium has the ability to raise their vibration and tune into the spirit that is lowering their vibration in order to communicate.
How does spirit communicate?
Spirit communicates through symbols and impressions. It is my job to give you the symbols of 'what they are giving me' and you know the importance of it, not me. The confirmation of these symbols is what further opens the communication to messages being passed on.
Who benefits from spirit communication?
Everyone. The spirits, the grieving, or those desiring insight. Imagine being in a foreign country and seeing someone who spoke your language and could pass on a message to a loved one. That's how excited spirits are for communication for they want you to know that they are okay and they are with you.
Are you like the Long Island Medium?
I do not own a TV, so when I was asked that, I did not know who she was. I watched a couple of youtube clips and yes, that is exactly what I do.